All the best to everyone receiving results today. Earlier this month, we asked members of the Stemette Society for some advice about results day…

The best advice I would give is that there is a path that is perfect for everyone and they are all different and don’t worry because everything will get sorted.
I personally didn’t get the grades I wanted for A levels and can’t describe how devastated I was but this is what pushed me to try alternative routes and find the one that worked best for me!
When you get your results I would just say enjoy it whether you are happy with them or not as you’ve worked so hard and deserve a celebration. Maybe later on in the summer, start to look at ways to further your development. For example, if you are going to uni or continuing education look up recommended books for your subjects.
Olivia, 20, Assistant Digital Engineer
It’s going to be okay, things have a way of coming together.
I can’t stress this enough, you have so many options and this is just the beginning. There are multiple paths to achieving your dreams.
Dami, 19, Student at Oxford University

Each set of results will feel like the biggest moment of your life, but remember that it’s just one stepping stone and not the end of the world if they’re not perfect.
My best advice would be to remember that there’s nothing you can do at this point to change your grades (except for remarks of course – never forget remarks!), but you can change your perception and how you handle those grades. If they’re everything you’re hoping for, great! If they’re not, don’t stress – there are always options. And after results, enjoy being free and celebrate just what an amazing thing it is you’ve achieved. Give yourself that pat on the back! Then, think about your next steps.
Joana, 18, A-level Student (expecting her results too!)

A-level results day can be nerve-wracking. First of all, you should be proud of yourself for getting through it. A-Levels are not easy so you should celebrate that victory in itself. Some of you may be proud of your results and will continue the path you may have already set to achieve. Others may have to adjust your plans slightly and that’s perfectly fine! In this life, you are running at your own individual pace, so don’t compare your journey to someone else’s.
Enjoy your free Nando’s and as Jordin Sparks said, take it one step at a time.
For more information concerning A-Levels results day check out UCAS and Prospects >>
This piece has been written by Stemette Orlane.