When looking for a role model, it can be tempting to focus on the biggest names like celebrities. But the best role models are often much closer to where you are. Find out our top tips for choosing your role models below!
One Step Ahead
When looking for a role model, it’s useful to find someone who is on the same path as you but is just a step or two ahead. You can learn from them because they’ve been through similar experiences, but they’re not so far removed that their life seems unreachable. Looking at someone who has everything we want and is so far ahead can be demotivating!
Rather than idolizing the very best in a field, a good role model is someone relatable. Maybe they’re alumni from your school or program—someone who has walked the same halls and faced the same challenges. Seeing someone who has already achieved something you’re aiming for can feel inspiring and make your goals seem possible. This is especially true if their journey hasn’t been straightforward.

Squiggly Careers
A good role model may have a “squiggly career”—a path that hasn’t followed a neat, predictable line. They may have switched fields, tried different things, or taken breaks. This shows you that it’s okay to explore, to fail, and to change your mind. Life isn’t always a straight path, and neither is success.
Modern Day
Importantly, a great role model doesn’t need to be a figure from history. While famous historical figures have their place, the best inspiration can come from someone real and current. They’ve lived through the issues we’re facing today and understand what it’s like to be navigating the challenges of today.
Ultimately, a great role model is someone who makes you feel that your dreams are within reach—not because they’re perfect, but because they’re human, just like you.