Primary Takeaway: Problem Solving

This menu contains our pick of session replays about how to solve problems like an engineer. From thinking about the future to communication, there’s something for everyone.

2 hours and 38 minutes

This menu includes:

  1. Chatbots with Vodafone
  2. Semaphore with GCHQ
  3. Future tech with Nikki
National Curriculum: KS1-KS2

Partially addressing all aspects of English, Art and Design, and Computer Science, and Several aspects of Design and Technology.


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Chatbots with Vodafone

65 Minutes

In this session replay and activities from the 15th of February 2021, we meet Charlotte Crowson and have a go at creating a chatbot to help others.

You will need:
• Paper or a device to take notes
• Internet access

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Semaphore with GCHQ

55 Minutes

In this session originally filmed on the 19th of February 2020, we meet Patsy from GCHQ and have a go at creating semaphore flags to help transfer messages.

You will need:
• Sticky tape
• Paper
• Decoration materials
• Scissors
• Flag poles or 2 pencils

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Future tech with Nikki

48 Minutes

For this session originally recorded on the 3rd of August 2020, we are joined by Nikki Morrison from Pure Storage and have a go at designing future technologies.

You will need:
• Pen
• Colouring pencils
• Plain paper
• Pen
• Paper

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