Primary Takeaway: Our Planet

In honour of World Wildlife Day 2022, we’ve provided some of our favourite activities aimed at learning more about – and helping – our planet!
That’s all folks!

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60 Minutes

In this session from 20th December 2021, Meet Barbara from ASOS and create a poster on your favourite primate.

You will need:
• Colouring pencils
• Paper

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30 Minutes

In this session originally from 1st July 2018, meet Liz and try two animal themed activities, such as cell biscuits!

You will need:
• Digestive biscuit
• Icing
• Chocolate button
• Strawberry lace
• Raisins
• Sprinkles
• M&Ms
• Phone or Video camera

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Electric Cars

26 Minutes

For this session originally recorded on the 18th February 2022, Meet Paige who works with electric cars and create a clean energy poster.

You will need:
• Paper
• Pens
• Recycled materials like egg boxes and milk cartons
• Pens
• Paper
• Internet Access

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