Primary Takeaway: Sustainability

We can have so much fun learning about the world around us, but it is important to remember to take care of it, too.
That’s all folks!

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Meet Ling Lim

55 Minutes

In this session from 20th August 2021, Meet Ling who works with the environmentand have a go at making smog in a jar!

You will need:
• Glass jar
• Tin foil
• Ice
• Scrap paper,
• Matches
• Adult supervision
• Paper
• Pens
• Colouring pencils

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Meet Katy Hebditch

60 Minutes
In this session originally filmed on the 26th October 2021, Meet Katy who works in sustainable mining and make a yummy sedimentary rock!

You will need:
• Rice Krispies
• 10 oz marshmallows
• 3 tbsp butter
• 1 cup chocolate chips
• Chocolate sweets
• 8x8 inch tin
• Paper
• Colouring Pencils
• Internet Access

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Meet Alexandria Sterling

54 Minutes

For this session originally recorded on the 29th March 2021, meet Alexandria and create your own chemical reaction with red cabbage.

You will need:
• Red cabbage
• A blender
• Water
• Vinegar
• Laundry detergent
• Adult supervision
• Pens
• Paper
• Computer/Laptop

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