Primary Takeaway: Scratch

Can you believe that Scratch (a Stemettes favourite coding resource) is celebrating its 15th anniversary in 2022? We’ve put together some STEMazing role models with Scratch projects for you to do.
That’s all folks!

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Meet Lella Violet Halloum

20 Minutes

In this session from 1st April 2021, meet Lella and create a Scratch game on your favourite woman in tech.

You will need:
• Laptop or Computer
• Pens
• Paper
• Internet Access

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Meet Sheree Atcheson

34 Minutes

In this session originally filmed on the 4th August 2020, meet Sheree and create a Scratch sprite for your favourite STEM role model.

You will need:
• Internet access
• Pens
• Paper
• Internet access

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Meet Kamlah

30 Minutes

For this session originally recorded on the 1st October 2018, meet Kamlah and learn how to code your own traffic light sequence in Scratch!

You will need:
• Internet Access

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