Primary Takeaway: Staying Connected

In this menu we have included sessions from womxn working to improve our online communication as well as a number of activities to have a go at.

As this menu is designed for little Stemettes, we recommend parental supervision for all activities.

3 hours and 2 minutes

This menu includes:

  1. Meet Cristina Pascalau
  2. Meet Lucy and Rebekah
  3. Meet Jo Eckersley
  4. Meet Michelle Willis
National Curriculum: KS1-KS2

Partially addressing all aspects of English, Art and Design and several aspects of Maths, Design and Tech, and Science.


Are you a parent reading this? Subscribe to our Parents Newsletter to gain access to new Takeaways as soon as they are ready. Are you a young girl reading this? Join the Stemette Society for early access to new takeaways and more.

That’s all folks!

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Meet Cristina Pascalau

27 Minutes

In this session from the 17th of May 2020, we spoke to Cristina, a Front-End Developer of many of the apps we use to stay connected. Hear about her role have a go at a STEM activity.

You will need:
• Paper
• Pens
• Paper
• Colouring pencils
• A mobile

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Meet Lucy and Rebekah

58 Minutes

In this session from the 27th of August 2020, We spoke to Lucy and Rebekah from GCHQ, who work to protect us when communicating online.

You will need:
• 3 pieces of Paper
• A ruler
• A pen
• A pencil

Watch Here

Meet Jo Eckersley

37 Minutes

In this session recorded on the 19th of August 2020, We hear from Jo, an Entrepreneur working in communication and technology.

You will need:
• Pens
• Plain paper
• Colouring pencils

Watch Here

Meet Michelle Willis

60 Minutes

In this session originally recorded on the 15th of June 2020, We met Michelle, who manages a team of engineers at Vodafone.

You will need:
• Pens
• Paper
• Pens
• Paper
• Keywords sheet

Watch Here