Secondary Takeaway: Black History Month 2021

Our pick of black role models in STEM. Whilst October is officially black history month, we believe black role models should be celebrated always.

2 hours and 5 minutes

This menu includes:

  1. Meet Maya and Kyra
  2. Meet Jazmin Morris
  3. Meet Dr Nike Folayan MBE
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Meet Maya and Kyra

58 Minutes

In this inspiring talk originally recorded on the 5th August 2021, Our Instagram Live with Maya and Kyra talks about inspiring careers.

Watch Here

Meet Jazmin Morris

54 Minutes

In this inspiring session from 12 August 2021, meet the STEMazing Jazmin Morris, find out about their passions and have a go at Tinkercad.

Watch Here
Nike Folayan smiles for the camera. The background is blurred.

Meet Dr Nike Folayan MBE

3 Minutes

In this Zine article published on 6 October 2021, read about Dr Nike's role as an Engineer and learn how they are making a difference.

Watch Here