Secondary Takeaway: Technical Creativity

3 Hours 46 Minutes

Including Chatbots and coding, this takeaway menu is filled with session replays, websites, and articles discussing many different aspects of technology.

This menu includes:

  1. Introduction To Python
  2. The Anatomy Of An App
  3. Machine Learning, Chatbots And AI
  4. Python With Imagilabs
  5. Glitch

National Curriculum: KS3-KS4

Partially addressing all aspects of English and Computer Science.


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Introduction To Python

1 hour 2 minutes

In this session from April 1st 2020 run by our Event Stemette Charlotte, as well as Emma-Ashley and Regina, we were introduced to the basics of Python programming and how it can be used to build images and neural networks! Fancy having a go? We’ve added the link to trinket, to help you with your Python creations.

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The Anatomy Of An App

59 minutes

In this session filmed on the 6th of May 2020, Amna Askari talks us through what an app is, as well as how they are made and the people involved in making them. She also quizzes us on all things app related! As a side, we have also included a Stemettes zine article on how to build your own app.

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Python With Imagilabs

45 minutes

In this session hosted on the 24th of August 2020, we were joined by Imagilabs where they explained how to use code creatively to produce and colour a design using code and Imagilabs products. Never considered Python before? Read our article on why you should!

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