Beyond 16 Takeaway: Career Decisions

It is a big task to decide what career we want to have, but the role models and content in this Takeaway menu are here to help.

1 Hour and 3 Minutes

This menu includes:

  1. Meet Natascha

  2. Degrees and Careers

  3. Career Planning

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Meet Natascha

53 Minutes

For this session recorded on the 17th February 2022, we meet Natascha Beyer from Guidewire and hear about her inspiring career.

Watch Here

Degrees and Careers

5 Minutes

In this Zine article from July 5th 2021, find out whether the degree you choose dictates your future career.

Read Here

Career Planning

5 Minutes

In this Zine article from 28th June 2021, find out how to plan your career when you don't know what to do.

Read Here