What is a portfolio career?
A portfolio career is when, instead of having one job that you do full time, you have a mix of jobs that you do part-time to bring a mix of experiences and multiple streams of income. For example, Dr Gadelrab works as an NHS GP three days a week as well as being a mum, a health blogger and many more things.

Your Career Tapestry
A Tapestry often includes lots of different things stitched together, and in a similar way, you can create a tapestry of your career. Your career tapestry should include all the things you would like to do in your working week and the ways that you can stitch them together. By doing this, you should find that you love your job every day and the variety and diversity that it brings.

12 Tips For A Portfolio Career
- Be true to yourself and do not let anyone put you off.
- Work hard to be a good Stemette- it is your key to success and will always pay off.
- Start with your why- what are your reasons and what ignites you?
- Talk to everyone you meet- if you want to encounter opportunities you have to network. Don’t be afraid to ask others who are doing it!
- Ride the storms… Be prepared for rejection, failure, and disappointment and use them as building blocks to evolve your tenacity and drive.
- Diversify with courage.
- Choose who you spend your time with and surround yourself with good people who share your values in life.
- Be hopeful and positive and say yes to things.
- Help your friends succeed by sharing knowledge and sharing networks, things are always better together.
- Don’t be afraid to try something new and upskill yourself.
- Loyalty, humility, and integrity are critical in success and beyond.
- Enjoy the ride and always make sure it’s fun! Where you can remember to take breaks.
So…. is a portfolio career for you? Find out about squiggly careers here, too!