20 Mar 2023

Comparing Yourself to Others?


Sarah Grindall is the Head of Platform Delivery at NewDay. NewDay provides nearly 5 million customers with responsible access to credit and is focused on a single, clear and defining purpose: to help people move forward with credit. Here, she shares quotes to get through harder days. Take a look below…

“Comparison is the thief of joy” President Theodore Roosevelt

I am sure this quote resonates with feelings you have all had. It certainly does for me. I have spent large chunks of my life, from school through to my early working life, comparing myself to others. And as the quote confirms, this is not a great place to be.

We are all different; we will follow different paths and reach milestones at different times. And this is the beauty of life. We don’t need to be running at 100 miles an hour all the time if this isn’t right for us, just because we see our friends or colleagues doing it! And we need to remember to be PROUD of our achievements and not compare them to one another.

To overcome that comparison thief, I have 2 special quotes that help guide me. They help slow me down, appreciate the moment and calm those comparison gremlins… and make for an all-around happier Me!


“Be yourself, everyone else is already taken” Oscar Wilde

Seeing this quote for the 1st time was a game-changer for me. It changed my outlook on life and marked the moment I decided to stop trying to be someone I wasn’t. Whenever I start to compare myself to others, I repeat this like a mantra. It reminds me that all our quirks and differences are what make our groups and teams so strong. We know diversity brings a breadth of skills and perspectives and teams that consciously include are the absolute key to success.

So, let your authentic self be present at school, university and work; because this is what makes you special and this is how you will be successful in whatever you decide to do.


“Remember when you wanted what you now have”

How often do you achieve something you’ve been striving towards forever, and before you have even taken a breath, you’re planning the next thing on your bucket list? I am guilty of this; I never take the time to appreciate and feel proud of what I have achieved.

We always talk about where we want to be in 5 years’ time, but rarely look back and see where we have come from. I wonder what your younger self would have thought about what you are doing now? I know mine would have been pretty chuffed that I have just been promoted into my dream job and get to work in a super cool office. I think yours would too! I urge you to take time today, and everyday, to be proud of where you are, right this minute.


I would encourage you all to find the quotes and mantras which resonate with you and use them to help you to get through those harder days. And while you find your own, please feel free to use mine!

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