Among the most common applications of (AI), is its capability to recognise a wide range of ‘unstructured data’.This unstructured data, or data without any labels, could be anything from images to sounds, handwriting or objects. But did you know that AI can also recognise you by your heartbeat, or by your personality?

How can AI recognise your biometrics?
Researchers are developing ways to use biometrics to recognise us beyond standard facial recognition. This already includes the ability to recognise:
- your heartbeat.
- your gait (the way you walk).
- Microbial traces left behind by skin cells and sweat.
Companies such as Watrix are developing gait recognition software. The aim is to provide an alternative way to watch people when facial recognition fails.According to Watrix, their software is 94% accurate, using information like stride length and arm angle.
There are other approaches to gait recognition, too. For example, the US government will use AI within smartphones to record the walking patterns of those carrying the phone. The software could then shut down stolen phones belonging to US government officials.
The Pentagon is also pioneering attempts to utilise a person’s ‘cardiac signature’. This AI will recognise individuals from over 200 yards away! The technology uses laser vibrometry, detecting surface movements produced by a person’s heartbeat. This data will then identify the individual by comparing this to a database of other cardiac signatures.
Tokyo car engineers have made a prototype car seat designed to recognise who is sitting down using the shape of the user and their weight. The aim is to protect against car theft but is yet to hit the market.
How can AI recognise your personality?
Not only can AI use biometrics to recognise you but also to get an insight into your personality.
This means that AI can gather data as much from our actions as from our physical appearances. The 5 main personality traits are Extraversion, Agreeableness, Openness, Conscientiousness, and Neuroticism. Researchers are attempting to use AI to recognise and predict personalities according to these traits.
For example, a study has shown that AI is better than humans at guessing personality traits based on the kind of selfie that a person takes. The software was able to classify personality 56% of the time, predicting the ‘conscientiousness’ trait best. Developers hope to use similar software to improve matches made on dating sites.
Similarly, research shows that eye movements correlate with 4 of the 5 traits, all but ‘Openness’. The developers will use their software for greater personalisation of services and recommendations. Though, there is concern over the potential abuse of the technology. For example, could this identify if a person is susceptible to manipulation?
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Fancy learning how you can use AI in your own projects? Get started with this Machine Learning with Python course. >>
Article written by Britt Dewing, Stemettes Intern