First, we spoke to Kirsty. Kirsty helps trade products from producers and suppliers. For Kirsty, the advice she wishes she would have known when she was younger would be to have confidence. This is because part of Kirsty’s job involves carrying out mentoring programmes in Singapore and lack of confidence is one of the most common issues she finds with her mentees. Also, Kirsty tells us that it is important to ask the more experienced person you look up to for a coffee or a phone call- because you never know where it could lead and you could learn a lot!

Next, we spoke to Zahira who is the Group Head of Tax at Anglo American. Zahira enjoys her work because it makes a difference in communities that need it and if she could describe her job in three words it would be ‘make tax right’. For her advice, she says to have confidence, slow down and enjoy whatever life gives you as an experience. It is important to look at what you are doing, take a deep breath and appreciate the moment– wherever you are.

Following on, we spoke to Joanne- the Group Controller for Anglo American. Joanne is responsible for the financial reporting of the group. Joanne tells us the importance of getting advice and if you enjoy it- do it. Do not care what other people think. Ask friends, family and other people about what they do where you can, as this will aid you on your journey to discovering your career path.
Last but not least, we spoke to Pierre who is the Group Head for Carbon Neutrality. In this role, he aims to develop a road map to establish carbon neutrality for Anglo American and help them move towards clean energy whilst at the same time replacing fossil fuels. Pierre wishes that when he was younger, someone would have told him that nothing is impossible and that he should do what he enjoyed without being afraid to look stupid.