The first step is to do some self-reflection to drill down into why you’ve stopped enjoying them. Here are some example questions to help with that:
- What made you choose those subjects in the first place?
- What has changed?
- Is any of what you used to enjoy about those subjects still part of them
- Were they not what you expected?
- If so, why?
- Did you find something else that is more interesting?
- Is there a way to bring this into your life already?
- Is there a way to link the subjects that you’re not enjoying to this new found
more exciting topic?
- Did you stop enjoying how they are being taught?
- What did you stop enjoying about it?
- What is your preferred learning style?

Depending on your answers, there are various things that you could try.
Find a tutor/mentor
I have found that students that don’t enjoy their subjects are often put off by the teaching rather than the subject. Everyone has different ways of processing information. When you’re in a big class, the teaching style may not be one that you enjoy or one that enables you to process that information well.
I once tutored a student that was failing and hated maths. All had to do was adapt my teaching style to her needs and she became an A student, confident and loving it. She did the hard work, I only had to provide her with the information in a way that worked for her.
Talk to a coach
Coaches are trained at helping you reflect through questions like the ones I’ve listed above. Their job is to listen and guide you through your thinking, rather than give explicit advice. They are great to unravel the root cause of a challenge and help you come up with actionable next steps that make sense for your specific situation.

Change subjects
If upon reflection you conclude that you don’t want to continue with these subjects, you do have the option to change them. Of course, there may be external factors that affect this opportunity, which would be specific to every person. You can speak to a counselor, your school’s faculty, and your guardian to help you through this change.

You’re not stuck with this for eternity
I remember it being very daunting having to pick my subjects in high school. It felt like a big decision to make with very little information and experience. Thinking back, if you asked me to do the same thing today, I’d have quite a few different choices; but that didn’t stop me from pursuing those passions.
I have met many amazing women that have changed their careers in the past. A musician that became a software engineer, and then a doctor; a classicist that started a business, then became a software engineer; a civil engineer that became an artist. Only you will know what the best option is for you at this moment, but the tools above can help you through that journey. Speak to people that you admire, and find out their story too.
This article was written by Kristina Young, Lead Engineer at BCG Digital Ventures