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Stemettes Turns 10

Thank You for 10 Incredible Months of Celebration!

We appreciate everyone who attended, volunteered, sponsored, and supported these events. Together, we’ve made memories that celebrate our past achievements. We’ve also laid the foundation for a future filled with promise and possibility!

Here’s to a decade of making a difference. Let’s look forward to the countless moments of joy, connection, and impact ahead.

January - March

We kickstarted our birthday year by preparing for our birthday on 12 Feb 2023. On this day, we walked over Waterloo Bridge to kick off our birthday celebrations. It also highlighted the lack of women in STEM role models in the curriculum.

April - July

Our celebrations continued with our first 2 festivals celebrating all things STEAM! We also continued our roundtables across the country.

August - December

We made sure our birthday celebrations ended with a bang! We headed to the West Midlands, to host our last festival and roundtable!

What's Next?

As part of the 10th Birthday Celebration, we’ve gone full STEAM ahead with our advocacy work. We held three roundtable discussions, one at the US Embassy in London, one at Newcastle Civic Centre, and the other at Make UK in Birmingham. These discussions brought together individuals from industry, academia, and entrepreneurship, as well as our beneficiaries, to discuss the changes needed in the current UK STEM curriculum. The discussions at these events are forming the basis for the whitepaper currently being worked on by TeamStemette. This whitepaper will be asking for more (and) diverse female and non-binary contributors in the GCSE and A-Level STEM curriculum. It is due to be released in line with International Women’s Day 2024! Keep your eyes peeled!

Donate to Stemette Futures

Stemette Futures work alongside nonprofit Stemettes to inspire, support and encourage girls, young women and non-binary young people into technical fields. Across our programmes, events and platforms we’re showing that STEAM is for all, in a free, fun-filled & food-filled way.

More information here.

Are you a company and want to donate your time or space instead? See how you can become a partner Donate