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Are you interested in volunteering at one of our events or programmes? This is the place for you. Use this page to sign up to our volunteer system and find out more about our volunteering opportunities.


Sign Up to Our Volunteer System

The link below will take you to our system. Once signing up, you will be able to see our available and upcoming opportunities.

Sign Up
RoleDescriptionSkills requiredTime Commitment
Mentor You’ll be providing support to a mentee by meeting up with them once a fortnight for hour long video call meetups on Microsoft Teams. You’ll be asked to open your network of professional contacts to allow your mentee to see how the STEAM world works. You’ll also support your mentee with their mentoring project. You’ll need to be passionate about supporting the next generation of game-changers to see their STEAM potential. The ability to be patient and empathetic, excellent interpersonal and communication skills.8 hours over 4 months.
Core Skills Roles include: Panellist Judge Speed Networker Events Logistics CV/Mock Interview Workshop Support Enthusiasm, ability to be proactive, excellent interpersonal and communication skills. From 30 minutes to 2 days.
Technical You will have a sound knowledge of tools including Tinkercad, HTML, Python, AppInventor, AppShed etc. You’ll be responsible for teaching young people how to use these tools with the potential of them gaining a qualification at the end of the event. You’ll also be supervising study groups.A strong technical knowledge, ability to communicate your understanding to others, enthusiasm and a strong technical knowledge. Also, an ability to communicate your understanding to others and enthusiasm. From 1 hour to 10 days.
Content You’ll be taking existing content from the Stemettes archive and creating new learning resources from it such as meal plans, a 300 word Zine article and meet guides. A creative flair and excellent written English and IT skills. 1 hour to 1 week.
Outreach You’ll be required to help the marketing team to get more young people involved in our events. You’ll reach out to networks in areas where we don’t have connections either in person or via email, phone, or social media, with the aim of spreading awareness of upcoming Stemettes opportunities. This is targeted to certain geographical areas, communities and demographics as well as different STEM fields.Previous experience of volunteering with Stemettes as well as excellent interpersonal and communication skills.From 30 minutes to a week.
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