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December Explore @ Department for Transport

In December, Stemettes and the Department for Transport hosted a two-day Christmas event focussed on aerospace and science. It included a panel talk and activities for groups to design a product or business idea relating to aerospace, with the chance to present these ideas on the second day.



The event consisted of three streams: 7 to 11, 12 to 15, and 16 to 18-year-olds. Stemettes were joined by 66 participants who rated the overall programme 9.4 out of 10.


“I really loved December Explore because it allowed me to be scientifically creative which is always exciting for me! I loved working with other people and seeing what ideas they came up with!!“

“From the careers carousel and further research into their roles, I have decided that I would like to become an engineer or a computer scientist. I enjoyed the variety of the roles of each role model and how non-repetitive their workdays are. The Stemettes Society as a whole has helped me come to this decision.”


What did participants think?

  • 93% reported that the way they see STEM has improved.
  • 93% reported that their understanding of career options in STEM had improved.
  • 93% reported that their connection to peers and role models in STEM had improved.
  • 97% reported that their confidence in their STEM abilities had improved.
  • 93% reported that what they knew about STEM had improved.


Over the two days, Stemettes were joined by 16 role models sharing their journeys and advice.


“Meeting new people my favourite part was being able to talk to others about ideas and seeing other people’s ideas I enjoyed meeting new people and discovering a new programme to use! I like the ideas from the role models Being able to work together, hear other people’s ideas and combine them”

“There was a lot of good advice especially the final takeaways at the end. They really helped inspire me to be brave and be confident.“

“I didn’t know what a glider was and I learnt about how to test a glider and strength“


Stemettes The latest from the Stemettes Zine, a curated space tailored specifically to Stemettes
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