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Easter Explore 2021

From 29th March, Stemettes ran a three-week-long programme for women and non-binary people aged 7 to 20. Workshops, lectures and activities centred around the theme of ‘accomplish’ with companies joining the programme to offer advice and opportunities.

Over the three-week programme, there were 94 attendees who rated the event 9.2 out of 10.

The programme was split into three streams: juniors (aged 7 to 11), connect (aged 12 to 15), and academy (aged 16 to 20). Juniors had daily morning sessions in which they were introduced to a STEM role model and took part in a fun activity.



“We have loved Easter Explore and the girls have been so inspired by the people they have met and the activities they have done.”

– Junior Attendee’s mother


Of the programme attendees, 98% would like to attend another event with Stemettes.

The Connect stream had a daily morning talk and a project session. In the project sessions, they worked in groups on a STEM or business project which they presented at the end of the week. In the afternoons Stemettes brought STEMazing role models together for connect networking sessions.



Feedback from attendees in all streams showed:

  • 97% felt their awareness of career options improved
  • 95% felt their knowledge about STEM improved
  • 95% felt their perception of STEM improved


“I really enjoyed the group sessions and being able to enjoy STEM with other people who are similar ages. Working together was such a rewarding and valuable experience and it was also so motivating to work with people who had the same drive and determination that I do”


The Academy stream was able to work towards Introduction to Cybersecurity certification following morning lectures. In the afternoons they had networking with STEM role models and each day ended up coming together with other streams for an Instagram Live Q&A. These sessions gave attendees the chance to ask advice from industry role models in an informal session.



How did attendees feel about Instagram Live sessions?

  • 92% felt their awareness of career options improved
  • 92% felt their knowledge about STEM improved
  • 92% felt their connections to STEM networks improved


“Being able to hear someone who loves maths as much as me talk about her passion, it’s amazing to know that I’m not alone!”


Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who helped this programme run smoothly. Check out Stemettes’ Instagram to watch back Instagram Live Q&A on IGTV.

Stemettes The latest from the Stemettes Zine, a curated space tailored specifically to Stemettes
Parent, Guardian, Teacher or Volunteer?

The Stemettes Zine is a curated space tailored specifically to Stemettes but we have plenty of content and updates for you folks too. Sign up to receive the Stemettes newsletter and we’ll keep you updated with the latest from Stemettes HQ including events, activities, resources and fundraising actvities.