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Ayushi: Degree Apprentice & GHC19 Trip Winner

Stemettes partnered with Deutsche Bank to enable five UK students to attend the largest gathering of #womeninTech – The Grace Hopper Celebration of  Women in Computing!

Ayushi, a degree apprentice at KPMG, is one of our STEMazing winners from our mentorship programme, Student to Stemette. Her aims for attending were the following:

  • I am hoping to talk to many other women in STEM and hear their experiences into how they got on their journey.
  • It would help me gain a bit of confidence to hear empowering stories which I could also share with other girls hoping to get into STEM
  • More confidence.
  • Also, practising the network skills I learned in the Student to Stemette program will test what I learned.

Follow Ayushi’s journey below.


My confidence increased massively on this trip. I’m not used to seeing so many women in technology and it made a difference. Hearing the keynote speakers at GHC, I realized that I can aim high and achieve if I put my mind to it and there is no excuse for social barriers to stop me going further in my career/life.

My knowledge about the applications in tech increased. Seeing sports companies and insurance companies, I realised how much can be done and what can be explored with a background in technology. It relates to everything!

This trip motivated me to share my personal experiences and stories and also those that I hear from others. The impact anecdotes have and the inspiration they can give others provides them with the motivation they need to push forward. Women in tech stories about their journeys are powerful.

I have seen my confidence increase massively and my ability to go up to someone new and spark up a conversation. My networking skills have improved and using the advice I have received, I have been able to connect with people I never would have before this experience.

Keynote on day 1 – Hearing from the influential women who worked with Anita Borg was amazing. Also, hearing about the Abie Award Winners and hearing the winner’s story inspired me to do more.

A session that I felt elevated my knowledge was ‘The Cybersecurity Game’. This was an interactive session that allowed my team to discuss the responses to a cyber attack. What made it great was the fact that I got to meet professionals as well as students to see their perspectives on how to deal with cybercrime and secure networks.


Thanks to Deutsche Bank for making this once-in-a-lifetime experience possible. To keep up-to-date on our upcoming events, head to Eventbrite.

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