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Stemettes @ Jane Street Panel & Speed Networking

On 27 October 2021, Stemettes partnered with Jane Street to host a virtual panel and networking event. The panel was joined by 196 young women and non-binary people via YouTube, Facebook and Twitter, with 11 joining the speed networking session. Some STEMazing Jane Street role models shared their advice and routes into a range of STEM-related roles.


Screenshot of speakers at virtual networking event
Screenshot of speed networking with role models on Remo.


The speed networking participants gave feedback on the event, rating it 9.56 out of 10.

  • 100% of participants felt their awareness of STEM improved
  • 100% of participants felt their knowledge of STEM improved


What did participants think?

“I’ve always wanted to have a career in STEM and this has allowed me to broaden my choices”

I now want to work for Jane Street, so well done Stemettes!!!”


The networking event was aimed at increasing the participants’ network in STEM fields with participants having an increment of 24% after the event.

Participants said that meeting new people and a boost in confidence were unexpected benefits of the event. The networking broadened their view of careers in STEM and participants who did not want to pursue a career in STEM before the event now would like to.



Thank you to the wonderful volunteers who helped to make the event possible and the STEMazing role models who took part.

Re-watch the panel event on our Twitter:


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