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Stemettes Agile Academy @ Schroders With QA

For our second cohort of the Stemettes Agile Academy, we partnered with QA and Schroders to host this cohort at their London offices.

We invited 16 girls, ranging from 14-21 years of age to learn about Agile and how the methodology can help them in work, as well as their activities.

Partnering with the likes of Schroders and QA enables us to provide our beneficiaries with real, useful qualifications. Over 4 days, the girls worked towards professional Agile certifications from QA to be used on their CVs, LinkedIn and personal profiles.

Over the four days, there were a series of workshops and collaborative activities, working towards the Agile Qualification and a graduation celebration on day 5.

We were pleased to collect such amazing feedback for a second time around. Our agile-certified attendees rated the QA training a 9.3 out of 10.

  • 100% of attendees would recommend the Agile Academy to others
  • 100% of attendees reported improvement in confidence regarding their STEM knowledge
  • 100% of attendees reported improvement in confidence regarding their STEM career
  • 87% of attendees stated the Academy exceeded their expectations
  • 100% of attendees reported improvement in confidence as a young woman interested in STEM in today’s society
  • 100% of attendees felt supported as a young woman interested in pursuing STEM


We asked our attendees what they enjoyed the most at this cohort and they shared:

“Agile is very useful information for anyone to have in a career and life in general. The teachers are very interactive and make it a fun environment to be in.”

“Meeting new people and connecting with professionals. It was a truly inspirational event and I’ve learnt so much.”

“Rayy is an amazing instructor! I had a great time learning about Agile methodologies; the Agile mindset and Scrum with such an interactive instructor and alongside the girls! It had been a great week gaining knowledge with QA and learning about Schroders.”



To celebrate the gaining of the Agile Certification and all of the hard work the girls and teachers put in, we closed the week with a graduation ceremony. The evening included presentations from the girls, speeches from QA and Schroders and of course, lots of fun, food and celebrations.

Stemettes The latest from the Stemettes Zine, a curated space tailored specifically to Stemettes
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