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Stemettes Turns 7!

Stemettes Turns 7!

We celebrated our 7th birthday on 17th February at Rise London. The team celebrated alongside some familiar faces and introduced some new girls to the Stemettes’ life. Leading into the evening, we hosted an evening celebration at Google Campus for parents and partners. Both involved lots of cake and STEM celebrations!



During the day we heard from some Stemettes alumni, they shared their STEM journey with the audience and how their relationship with Stemettes has impacted their careers. Our Head Stemette Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE gave a keynote speech on the growth of Stemettes over the last year and our exciting upcoming plans. Stemettes Alumnae lightning speakers included: Floriane Fidegnon-Edoh, ​Adesua Sylvester, Lucy Fuggle and Savinay Sood.



We ran a series of workshops to keep attendees entertained between the pizza and cake munching. Activities included: an introduction to Agile, Cybersecurity and Python. We encouraged STEAM mindsets and ran tote bag upcycling and poster creation workshops too.


We asked our attendees, many of whom have been to Stemettes events over the years, for their favourite Stemettes memory:

  • “My favourite Stemettes memory I have is the amazing people in the team who have helped me study the things that I want. Learning all the new skills that I will use in the future”
  • “Going to the Bank of America and learning about coding”
  • “Learning about amazing women and their careers. Also, on the quiz we had to compete for a prize.”



Here is some more feedback from a Stemette who attended the birthday celebration:
“Stemettes ran a great day running 6 events in total. They had free pizza and cake which was yummy, but the best thing of all was Kahoot. There were prizes and there was more than just Kahoot we did coding, cyber safety and lots more. I would recommend coming to one of the events as it’s good for girls to realize that they can do science and maths too.” – Megan, age 10



We hosted 45 girls during the day and 91 people in total including parents, guardians and carers. Here is some of the impact that the girls reported:

  • 97% of attendees found that the event increased their awareness of STEM opportunities.
  • 97% of attendees found the event increased their STEM career knowledge.
  • 100% of attendees stated this event inspired them to pursue a career in STEM.
  • 100% of attendees found being part of this event increased their confidence.


In the evening, we celebrated the birthday with parents, teachers, our alumnae, directors and our partners. We hosted 52 individuals at the Google Start-up campus, bringing it back full circle as that is where we celebrated our first event. Head Stemette hosted a panel of Stemettes Alumnae and we heard from some keynote speakers. Speakers included one of our Godmothers, Selina Pavan​ from Bank of America and Stemettes Alumnae Vanessa Madu, Alimat Bankole, Holly Boothroyd, Labake Ajimobi, Sunaina Aytan and Hannah Blair.



Thank you to Rise London and Google Campus for partnering with us to celebrate our 7th birthday! To keep up-to-date on our upcoming events, head to Eventbrite!

Stemettes The latest from the Stemettes Zine, a curated space tailored specifically to Stemettes
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