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RECAP: Week 11 of STEM Mode In

Week 11 was Maryam Mirzakhami week!



This Monday, 27 attendees tuned in to follow along with our Stemillions Activity Pack (aka Meal Plan) based on the late Maryam Mirzakhami. Maryam was a STEMazing mathematician. She was honoured with the Fields Medal, the most prestigious award in mathematics! Core Stemette Jazmin introduced this week’s role model and the girls highlighted the lack of female STEM award winners. During the activity, the attendees made some STEMtastic posters highlighting female role models in STEM. Some chose to do a poster about Maryam and others chose role models such as Gerty Cori and Anita Borg. We think that all of the posters were fantastic, we heard about why the girls chose the role models they did during the show and tell.



When we asked the attendees what they enjoyed most about the session they said:

“I love Maryam Mirzakhani and the impact she’s had on women in maths so I was really happy to be able to join this Monday Meal Plan. I also liked that I got to do my poster on an inspiring woman in maths and see other people’s posters for amazing women in STEM.”

“Learning about different mathematicians and meeting other Numberphile lovers!”

“Learning about a Muslim because I am also a Muslim. It was inspiring to see someone of my religion as a mathematician.”



On Wednesday, 28 attendees joined Event Stemette Charlotte as she hosted Mamta Signhal for our Wednesday Tutorial: Engineering in Everyday Objects. Mamta Singhal BEng MSc MBA CEng MIET is a design engineer and an active campaigner on diversity in engineering. In 2007, she was awarded the Women’s Engineering Society Prize for engaging and inspiring young people’s interest in STEM. She introduced the girls to the engineering behind toys and other everyday objects you can find around the house. Mamta introduced the attendees to the concept of Rotocasting, 3D printing and CAD (Computer-aided design). Mamta packed so much information into her session and the participants enjoyed learning all about engineering.



Here are some quotes from the girls who joined the session about what they enjoyed the most:

“Amazing session, one of my favourites so far. I loved hearing about how rubber ducks are made and all about packaging.”

“I love engineering and never thought about engineering in the food and toy industry until now! My favourite part was learning about what you have to consider when making a toy for children.”



144 folks tuned into this week’s Friday Live session, hosted by Head Stemette Anne-Marie. Anne-Marie was joined by two STEMtastic Entrepreneur role models, inspiring technology consultant and beauty enthusiast Lola Lawal & CEO of 23 Codestreet Anisah Osman Britton. 23 Codestreet is a coding school for all women and non-binary people. For every paying student in their courses, they teach digital skills to a woman in the slums of  India. The role models spoke about their business experience and were keen to highlight to the attendees that you don’t have to go to university to be successful. The attendees left great feedback for this session too.

“Anisah and Lola were both funny yet interesting at the same time, I’ve learned more about running an entrepreneurial company.”

“The opportunity to ask questions to these role models.”

“Hearing about university and internships as this is more targeted to the stage I am at.”


We received some great overall feedback from week 11 too!

  • 207 participants tuned in this week!
  • 100% would like to attend another Stemettes event
  • 97% shared that their knowledge in STEM improved
  • 95% shared their awareness of STEM improved
  • 95% shared their perception of STEM improved
  • 90% shared that their network in STEM improved
  • 90% shared that their confidence in STEM improved

That’s all for Week 11. Next week’s role model is Ada Lovelace – we can’t wait to see you all for those events!



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