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STEM Goals @ TD Securities

Stemettes partnered with TD Securities on the 15th of October, inviting 25 school girls on a tour of the TD Securities office and a panel of role models. Attendees were matched with a TD Securities role model in a speed networking layout, where they asked questions about STEM careers. Amazing women in STEM.




We were pleased to collect such great feedback for the event! One of our attendees stated her favourite part was ‘coding and making the website’ whereas another attendee shared that ‘the tour and talking with the workers was really fun’.

  • Attendees rated the event an 8.8 out of 10.
  • 100% of attendees shared that they would like to come again.
  • 10/10 attendees stated they would like a career in Science.
  • 82% of attendees indicated their perception of STEM improved.

The girls learnt the basics of HTML, utilising Glitch to create a money-saving website. They later presented their finished product to the audience.




A massive thank you to TD Securities and our fantastic panellists; Alimat Bankole (a regular Stemette!) Lucy Izzard, Jeylan Arnavut, Vish Patel, and Darryl Copsey.



Stemettes The latest from the Stemettes Zine, a curated space tailored specifically to Stemettes
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