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Stemettes Future Summit: London 2019

During the Coronavirus lockdown, we’ve been reminiscing about our Stemettes Future Summit. Our summits took place in both Chester and London in July 2019, and we hosted 200 attendees.



On 13th July we hosted our second summit in London. We invited 150 girls and split them into under 8s, 8-12 and 13-18-year-old groups.  



Day-long event to inspire and equip girls and young women for technical careers across academia, industry and entrepreneurship.


A packed schedule of STEM workshops, panels and talks featuring role models of all ages.



Stemettes Future Summit: London Under 8s Feedback
Overall rated the day 9.25 out of 10.

  • 100% agree that after today they know more about STEM jobs.
  • 100% agree that after today’s event, they can name more STEM jobs.
  • 83.3% agreed that after today’s event they want to work in STEM when they are older.
  • 75% agreed that being part of the event increased their self-confidence.


Under 8sTop piece of advice or skill

“Various jobs robots can do. Being creative using materials that would usually be considered junk.” 

“You shouldn’t give up if your creation doesn’t work, soon it will work” 

“Using fruit and veg in a circuit! Advice – lots of confusion at the start about where to go and miscommunication.” 

“Learning about being creative and making a Drawbot.” 


Stemettes Future Summit: London Under 8-12s Feedback
Overall rated the day 9.6 out of 10.

  •  96% agreed the event increased awareness of STEM career opportunities.
  • 96% agreed the event helped increase their STEM career knowledge.
  • 96% agreed that the event inspired them to pursue a career in STEM.
  • 92% agreed that being part of the event increased their self-confidence.


Under 8-12sTop piece of advice or skill

“How to hack my school website! And different careers I can have in STEM. I also met lots of friends who like STEM things because my friends and school don’t do it is nice to have people who do.” 

“Uni isn’t the only route to working for a large corporation.” 

“Having a goal and pursuing it.” 

“To expose myself to as many opportunities as possible such as the Stemettes events to get more experience and know what I like and am good at.” 

“To expose myself to as many opportunities as possible such as Stemettes events to experience and be sure of what I like and I’m good at.” 

“Be part of a team and try hard and not give up.” 

“Never give up.” 



Stemettes Future Summit: London Under 13-18s Feedback
Overall rated the day 9.54 out of 10.

  • 92% agreed the event increased awareness of STEM career opportunities.
  • 96.2 agreed the event helped increase their STEM career knowledge.
  • 88.5 agreed that the event inspired them to pursue a career in STEM.
  • 92% agreed that being part of the event increased their self-confidence.


13-18sTop piece of advice or skill

“Wonderful energy makes wonderful days great work by teams.” 

“Don’t be afraid to take risks.” 

“Never give up and always ask questions because you never know what the answer might be.” 

“Don’t let failure or mistakes discourage you, learn from them.” 

“I’ve learnt to speak up and say what I think.” 

“Learnt that failure in important exams Is not the end of the world and you can recover and still achieve the best you can.” 

“To be confident and try every opportunity and that is good to make mistakes because we learn from mistakes.” 






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