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2019 press

Stemettes is an award-winning social enterprise working across the UK & Ireland and beyond. We inspire and support girls, young women and non-binary young people into STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts & Maths).

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The Conversation: Women Crunching Numbers

Two women breaking the mould in maths and computer science talk to Yassmin Abdel-Magied about the significance of their achievements and the wealth of opportunity for women in technology.

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International Volunteer Day 2019: Volunteer for an Inclusive Future

The UN's International Volunteer Day (IVD), which takes place every year on 5 December, is a chance to promote volunteering, encourage governments to support the efforts of volunteers and recognise their contributions to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) at local, national, and international levels.

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Stemettes Events in London: Stemettes Future Summit July 2019

When it comes to finding inspiring STEM role models in London, we don't have to look too far: Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon, MBE, founded the Stemettes to help increase interest and opportunity for girls in STEM, with free events that also tempt kids with their offerings of free pizza.

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I Don’t Set Goals That I Can Achieve

At the opening of the Me Convention, Lewis Hamilton takes questions from British STEM high-flyer Anne-Marie Imafidon - and admits that his lifestyle is not necessarily compatible with saving the planet.

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Me Convention 2019: The Fair Within the Fair

The transformation of the trade fair landscape takes place directly at the IAA - where Daimler holds the "Me Convention", which is based on the theme and flair of the South by Southwest (SXSW) in Austin/Texas.

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An Interview With the Head Stemette

On the morning of International Women’s Day, indigo touched base with Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon MBE to discuss her incredible journey in the science and technology industry, where she has risen to prominence as a champion for gender diversity.

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Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon - Closing Keynote at Responsible Tech 2019

Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon, Head Stemette and Co-founder of Stemettes Speaking at Responsible Tech 2019: The New Normal - a one-day event by Doteveryone held on 31 Jan 2019 bringing together experts in technology, policy, data and ethics to catalyse change across the technology industry, and make responsible technology the new normal.

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Engaging Girls in Science and Technology

Stemettes is an award-winning social enterprise working across the UK & Ireland and beyond to inspire and support young women and non-binary people into STEM careers.