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STS X The PA Foundation

Welcome to your Student To Stemette page!

Everything you will need for your cohort is on this page. You will be dedicating 8 hours of your time spread across 4 months. This will be made up of 1-hour of virtual mentorship video calls every two weeks on Microsoft Teams.

This cohort with the PA Foundation will run from October 2023 - March 2024.


Wondering how it will work? Check out our graphic for all the info you need to dive into your mentoring journey and join the sessions below!

Got questions? You can contact TeamStemette on Microsoft Teams or email via team@stemettes.org.

A room of Stemettes and Head Stemette Anne-Marie posing for a camera and waving their hands.

CV Workshop

CV support is a service instead of a workshop. Check your email for more details!

Mentorship Meet-up Guides

Mentorship Meet-up Guides can be used to support impactful conversations during your 1:1 sessions, however, you can make up your own sessions if you have a very clear plan on what you will be doing each meet-up. You can always use these Meet Guides as a starting point for conversations during your meet-ups.

STS Travel Costs

Stemettes will cover travel costs up to £75 if you and your mentor/mentee want to meet in person.

Request travel

Complete mentoring hours and feedback by given dates to stay on track with the programme and win extra prizes along the way.

Level 1
WIN: Pen, badge, sticker, sweets, and message card
Level 2
WIN: Exclusive tote bag, message card, and sweets.
Level 3
WIN: Water bottle, sweets, and a certificate as well as an STS mug for your mentor
Level 4
WIN: A 30-minute 1:1 with Stemettes CEO, Dr Anne-Marie Imafidon

Life after STS

Just because your STS journey comes to an end, this does not mean that your Stemettes journey has to!

Mentees can:

Mentors can: