17 Jan 2022

The Fear of Failure and How to Overcome It


When Rachel first began thinking about her future, she had decided that she was going to be an amazing developer by the time she was 24, she would have an expensive car and would be making a lot of money. So, she began working very hard at school but got bullied and didn’t quite get the grades she wanted. She knew a few truths that she loved music and singing, and wanted to create a website to showcase her skills.

singing gif | Stemettes Zine

To build her website, she spoke to her grandparents who had roles in Tech, and they showed her how to build her website but also sparked her interest in Software Development which she began to study at college and university!

Whilst at university, things did not go to plan for Rachel, and she ended up graduating at 23. After this, she had been let go from a job and found herself unhappy in others. This meant that the dreams she originally set for herself did not come true.

goodbye dreams gif | Stemettes Zine

This leads us on to Rachels’s top tips which she has learnt throughout her journey of ups and downs:

  • Unapologetically be yourself.
  • Don’t file yourself down to fit if you have lots of interests and passions.
  • School and education can be tough but it doesn’t define you.
  • You define yourself and you choose who you want to be.
  • School is fundamental for your initial learning but it isn’t the be-all and end-all.
  • Don’t worry if you don’t have things figured out by a certain age.
  • Wherever you are, ask what learning opportunities there are for you.
  • Even if you’ve had something negative happen to you you can ask what you can learn from it.
  • Don’t be scared of failure because that’s where your anxiety lies and that’s where you learn.

If you would like to find out more about the role Rachel does now, you can check out the Covéa website here.

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