31 Mar 2022

Day One In A New Job: How A Cyber Operations Specialist At GCHQ Builds Their Network

Cyber Security

It’s normal to feel nervous when you start a new job. Who doesn’t?! You want to make a good impression, build networks and settle in quickly, but you don’t know the in’s and out’s of your job or the organisation. We’ve all been there.

I wish I’d known a few different ways of dealing with those first week nerves. It doesn’t need to be as scary as you think! So here are my hints and tips.

1) Offer a coffee (even if it’s virtual!)
It’s really helpful to have a quick chat with different people across the business. You’ll be able to get a better idea of their role and you can put a face to a name. People are usually really accommodating and appreciate you reaching out (especially if a tea or coffee is involved).

Coffee networking gif | Stemettes Zine
Robyn Design & Illustration

2) Get a work ‘buddy’
You might be allocated a buddy when you first start, but if not, just ask your manager if there are any systems in place. A buddy is ideally someone that’s roughly the same level as you. This way, you can ask all the questions you want (and hopefully feel a little less conscious about doing so!). You never know, you might become 11 am coffee friends too.

3) Have a morning chat

As the day goes on, it can be difficult to know when people have got time for a quick chat. So get in there early. When everyone logs on, say hi and ask how everyone’s evenings were. This’ll help you to build relationships and find common ground. You might even be into the same series, so remember to avoid any spoilers!

4) Stay in touch with people

You might find that people move on to different projects or teams, or might even leave the business. But it’s always worth staying in touch. You never know when you might need their advice or an extra pair of eyes. Or you might even end up working with them again.

Linkedin connections gif | Stemettes Zine

5) Grab every opportunity
Volunteers needed to run an important conference? Be the first to step forward and ask if you can help. Getting involved is the quickest way to grow your network, learn new things and make some friends.

Above all, remember to be kind to yourself. There is lots to learn, but remember that everyone has been new at least once – if not several times! So if you forget someone’s name, or you need directions to the kitchen, give yourself a break. Before you know it, you’ll feel right at home.

Cyber Security
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