14 Jul 2022

Earth & Planetary Science


Earth and Planetary science are often forgotten as many people do not know about them. You might wonder, what are Earth and Planetary sciences? It is both geological (features of the earth) and geophysical (substances making up the earth). As well as this, it is about understanding planetary bodies in the Solar System. You can also gain a holistic understanding of the Earth’s systems.

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What can I learn, and where?

You can learn about the evolution of living systems and changing environmental conditions. At the same time, you can focus on the sustainable development of Earth’s energy and its resources. It is exciting to be part of projects tackling global issues.

Earth and Planetary Science University departments include many different specialists. These include environmental scientists, geologists, chemists, mathematicians, biologists, physicists and computer scientists. They will all work together to study the Earth and planets. There are many pathways focusing on geochemistry and energy and resources. Also, geology with physical geography and palaeobiology; with a focus on fieldwork.


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Read more about space and planet Earth on the Stemettes Zine >> 


Women In Earth & Planetary Science

  • Myriam Telus. An Assistant Professor in the Earth & Planetary Sciences Department at UC-Santa Cruz. She focuses on understanding the timing and conditions of solar system formation. She also looks at early evolution through chemical and isotope analyses of meteorites.
  • Dr Delia Santiago-Materese. She is the Lead Program Officer for NASA’s Solar System.
  • Catherine Johnson: a Participating Scientist on the MESSENGER mission to Mercury.

Meet more women in Earth & Planetary Science and their advice >> 

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