Meet Savanna
For Savanna, a STEM career was not always a consideration. As a child, she always believed that she would become an architect. However, she chose triple science for her GCSE’s and realised she loved completing science projects. So, she completed her A levels in biology, chemistry, and physics and realised biology and physics were the subjects she wanted to do for her degree. Now, Savanna is studying natural sciences at the University of Cambridge – her perfect combination of physics and biology.
Savanna’s advice:
– Don’t be worried if you don’t know what you want to do just yet.
– It is ok to want to do STEM but not enjoy maths and practicals.
– Consume all the STEM information you can, as this will help you make your decision. This can be books, videos, or events!

Meet Eva
Eva’s love for engineering grew through all of the work experience she took part in; getting to work on lots of big projects such as the Thames Tideway. She combined her love to learn with her enjoyment of hands-on STEM and decided to pursue a degree in civil engineering (designing and constructing the infrastructure around us) at the University of Sheffield. Eva says, although you might think a course like hers is all about bridges and roads, it actually combines lots of modules such as finance, and her favourite subject, materials.
Eva’s advice:
– Industrial experience is really important.
– You’re never too young to get work experience.
– Shadow people you know.

Meet Hannah
Hannah always knew some truths – one being that essay writing was not for her. Because of this, she decided to take mathematics at A level and found so many new areas of maths that she loved. Now, she does mathematics at the University of Bristol which she had chosen for the course but also the addition of extracurriculars and an active Jewish society to make her feel welcome away from home.
Hannah’s advice:
– Build up your revision notes throughout the academic year.
– Build up a good personal statement.
– Always show a wide range of interests.