Is it ever too late to change your career, if you find a new passion? The simple answer to this is, no! I’m not a middle-aged 40-something-year-old woman who has committed decades to hone a craft to then take a pivotal turn after an epiphanic moment.
I have seen such women, and have drawn inspiration from them. One such woman, being my mum, having seen her take a handle on her fate late in life, and successfully pursued her heart’s desire of being a midwife. Her tenacity and strength, have given me the will to believe I also can, regardless of my age.
Hence, I add my perspective to the mix in this article, being a young entrepreneur and curious amateur techie in my late 20’s.

I left a vivacious academic career in the shadows, to merge into the light of my lifelong interests and passions. This has allowed me the opportunity to support the underrepresented within the creative and digital space. While I still miss the research that I dedicated years of my life to doing and grow a fondness for, there is no doubt that I have taken a path that is right for me! I never want to look back and think what if?
The question I ask myself is why not me? Why not now?
With passion and all due intentions, someone coined the phrase “Do what you love, and you would never work a day in your life!” to state that doing what you love is an extension of your enjoyment and filament.
The first half of this phrase, “Do what you love” is now the slogan of a large co-working space provider, WeWork. While these words ooze with optimism and positivity, they are also mystifying as all that glitters is not gold!
I’m not here to burst your bubble, but pursuing what you love may take twice as long, and maybe twice as harder than you imagined it to be. It may be mindboggling work, but it will be worth your time and effort.

A driven fulfilled purpose helps you wake up in the morning. This sense of purpose is something money and fame cannot buy.
If fate has led you down a different path you envisioned, seize every opportunity and keep a positive attitude! YOUR mind is powerful and you can do all you wish and set out to achieve!
This piece was written by Julia Jones.