We’ve asked women in STEM to write a letter to their younger self to see what advice they would give. Today’s letter comes from Emily Beckett,
Dear Teenage Emily,
I’ll keep this short and sweet as I know you have a short attention span… a few points to remember:
- You’re weird, strange and different. But this is what makes you stand out, use this!
- Never be afraid of saying what you think, you are so damn good at what you do. You deserve a voice, you earned it!
- Dream big, bigger than you are now… because you smash it.
- Saying no does not make you unapproachable.
- Being passionate about what you believe in does not make you rude.
- Listening does not mean you don’t have an opinion.
- You have the power, and girl you are powerful.
You may be the only girl at the table, but that doesn’t mean you are valued less. All the years you put into studying and learning, means you are THE BEST at what you do. NEVER doubt yourself.

You’re not great at Art or English Literature…that’s ok. Don’t get hung up on this. You rock at Maths, Physics and Computing. That’s what you love, accept it, you’re a geek. Geeks are THE best. Embrace it. All your best friends will be geeks too.
Future Emily
This article was written by Emily Beckett, IT Engineer.