Hi! I’m Aaya and I‘m currently working at ADM as a graduate engineer. In 2020, I graduated from Loughborough University with an integrated master’s degree in Chemical Engineering. I have always had a great passion for maths and chemistry and found that a chemical engineering degree covered this and a whole lot more! When I was younger I thought I wanted to be a GP doctor, but I later realised that the sight of blood makes me feel uneasy.

Opening Up Doors
My degree really opened up a lot of options for me. I studied not only chemistry and maths, but also economics, business, entrepreneurship, biology, and of course physics! This allowed me to become a more well rounded and skilled engineer. The fields and sectors in which we can apply our skills and make a difference are vast. I knew I wanted to follow into a sustainability and efficiency-focused role, but this could be applied to many industries. Thus, I found myself wanting to venture out into the unknown.
Read more about sustainability on the Stemettes Zine >>
That is how I came across the graduate role at ADM, an agribusiness company, based on the flour milling side of the business. Typically, I start my work day by driving to the site and grabbing a nice cup of tea, especially on those cold days. Then I will look at my emails and write a to-do list for that day. Usually, I am exploring different ways to help improve the efficiency of the process, focusing on waste and energy. Currently, I am trying to implement electric charging on-site and then hopefully bring renewable energy on-site. Every day on site is different, which is what makes it exciting!

Fun At ADM
Alongside my day job, I love being involved in volunteering and outside activities. One excellent aspect of working at ADM is the support and push given towards volunteering activities, such as mentoring, food banks and tree planting sessions. Being an active part of your local community is always encouraged, with many new and unique opportunities continually being offered.
If you are interested in making a hands-on difference and working in a range of industries and of course love STEM, then I would highly recommend chemical engineering. As a woman in STEM, it can always feel a little intimidating. Don’t let this discourage you from being a part of this exciting and challenging field!
A massive thank you to Aaya from ADM for writing this article.