30 May 2024

The Stemettes Guide: Scholarships and Grants


When progressing along your STEAM journey, there is no expectation you will do it all on your own. You may have help from your friends, family, mentors, line manager, academic tutor or others.   These can all be great aid but scholarships may also be a great source of support.

Scholarships and grants can provide support for a person in many ways, and I’ve listed some of them below.

  • Fiscal. The financial award can range in value. This may materialise as a one-off payment or a series of payments, in line with a defined term length. This could also be a discount to a fee for study of some sort.
  • Access to Opportunities. Secondarily, the award may include arrangements. This may be exclusive access to industry events, conferences or courses. In some cases they even offer, paid internships or work experience!
  • Resources. Additionally, the award may include goods related to your course of study or work. This could be technology, textbooks, supplies and more.
  • Networking. Furthermore, scholarships often have awards ceremonies or events. These are great opportunities to network with other awardees and industry professionals.


During my time in education, I was the recipient of a few scholarships. I found these had a positive influence on me. By accessing scholarships and grants, I was able to focus more on my studies. I networked with industry professionals at events that I may not otherwise be able to access. Being awarded scholarships and grants enriched my experiences.

There are many scholarships and grants, for women and non-binary people in STEAM. I would recommend looking in to see if you are eligible for any scholarships or grants. It may be for the stage of your STEAM journey you are currently in, or serve as motivation for your next stage. All the best in your applications!


This article was written by Tosin Sonubi. Stay tuned for further zine posts from Tosin, featuring tips for applying for awards and a list of awards.

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