About Us Scratch Competition

What is this Scratch competition?

About Us is one of ten projects commissioned for UNBOXED: Creativity in the UK. Design studio and production company 59 Productions, social enterprise Stemettes, and arts organisation The Poetry Society collaborated to create a spectacular multimedia show that is touring the UK in spring 2022. As the touring show draws to a close, we’re inviting young people to use their creativity and join us in continuing to think about the project’s central theme: how life is connected across the universe.

We want you to send us your Scratch projects on the theme of ‘connectivity and the universe‘ to win STEMtastic prizes!

Who is this for?

If you’re aged 4-18 then you can submit a Scratch project.

When do entries close?

The competition is currently open and winners will be selected on a monthly basis up until 23:59 GMT Wednesday 31st August 2022.

How do I take part?

This is a virtual Scratch competition. Find out more, as well as details on how to apply here >>

Head to Scratch to get started now >>

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