16 Nov- 19 Nov
17:30 - 22:00
Greater London (and online)
About Us is a spectacular light show taking you on a thrilling journey through 13.8 billion years of history.
From the Big Bang to the present day. It’s FREE, it’s beautiful and it’s fun for everyone.
This event is open to everyone.
Wednesday 16 – Saturday 19 November
The show lasts 25 minutes and runs multiple times a night, from 5.30 pm onwards. It’s free and unticketed.
The Tower of London.
The Stemettes Zine is a curated space tailored specifically to Stemettes but we have plenty of content and updates for you folks too. Sign up to receive the Stemettes newsletter and we’ll keep you updated with the latest from Stemettes HQ including events, activities, resources and fundraising activities.