Student To Stemette with Avantor

Are you looking for support in your STEM or STEAM career journey? Are you a young woman or a young non-binary person aged 15-21 years old from across Ireland? If so, you’re in the right place.

Avantor Foundation logo The Avantor Foundation are working to create a better world by advancing science education and providing healthcare to those in need.

Our Avantor Foundation Student to Stemette (STS) Programme offers young women and young non-binary people from Ireland aged 15-21 the opportunities to be mentored and get support in their careers.

Running from May – August 2022.


What’s Included in STS?
4 months of mentorship, broken down into 1-hour video calls on Microsoft Teams every fortnight plus 1-hour per month working on your skills
Instagram Live Career Insight Sessions, Virtual Employability Skills Workshops and Virtual Mock Interview Workshops
A virtual graduation ceremony, certificate and goody bag!
#womeninSTEM professionals there to guide and encourage you!

Register using the button below to secure your place on the Avantor Foundation STS programme…

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