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Stemette Futures Youth Board

The Stemette Futures Youth Board is made up of volunteers aged 15-25 from the UK and Ireland who will ensure the voices of girls, young women and non-binary young people are heard. They will work alongside the Stemette Futures charity board to guide and lead the mission to inspire more girls, young women and non-binary young people into STEAM (Science Technology, Engineering, Arts and Maths).

For any questions or queries about the youth board, including the roles we have available or accessibility requirements please reach out to the Chairperson of the Youth board Tosin Sonubi at


Join us

Fancy joining the Stemette Futures Youth Board? Check out our upcoming vacancies and apply!

Meet the Board

Find out about our current members and the work they do.

A Stemettes event attendee presenting at the front of a room.

Our Values

✓ Respect - Everyone has a unique perspective and so we respect everyone's opinion and every idea is discussed amongst the board.
✓ Empower - We want to empower more girls, young women and non-binary young people with an interest in STEAM and give them the tools and resources they need to succeed.
✓ Inclusion - We value the inclusion of all, by working with young people from all backgrounds, cultures and ages to ensure a rich mix.

A table of attendees in discussion at a Stemettes event.

Our Specification

✓ As a member of the Stemette Futures Youth Board you will act as an ambassador, safeguarding the positive name of the charity at networking opportunities and other potential events. All members will have a willingness to devote time and effort to their role and accept the responsibilities and liabilities of their role. They need to show a commitment to Stemette Futures and its objectives.

Attendees at a Stemettes event listening to a talk.

Your Commitment

✓ Members will serve on the board for 12-24 months. On average, this commitment will be 3 hours a month, excluding any meetings. Whilst on the board, you will be expected to attend one face-to-face meeting (expenses covered).